Jubilee Celebration Picnic
On Thursday 26 May we are celebrating the Platinum Jubilee at school. At lunchtime we will have a whole school picnic on the field with a delicious special menu (see below) prepared by our Caterlink team (paid for as normal on ParentPay/Free School Meals/Universal Free School Meals). If your child would like to order this menu they need to let their teacher know which baguette filling they would like. If they do not order a baguette, they will need to bring a packed lunch in with them on the day. Please discuss this with your child today so they are prepared to give their choice tomorrow.
- Choice of baguette (ham, cheese, tuna, plain, or coronation chicken)
- Crudites
- Vegetable spring roll
- Chicken goujon
- Jubilee sprinkle cake
- Fruit