If you are worried about the safety of a child please contact us at school.
You can also call Children & Families Front Door Service on 01452 426565 (Mon-Fri 9am – 5pm).
Out of hours please call the Emergency Duty Team on 01452 614194
If you think a child is in immediate danger, please call the police on 999.
At the Rosary Catholic Primary School, our duty to keep children safe is our top priority.
We expect all adults working with us, as staff or volunteers, to follow our safeguarding measures.
Our Child Protection Policy and Safeguarding Procedures can be found on our policy page.
See also our page on Online Safety:
Upon induction, the following measures (amongst others) are explained and are a condition of support or employment.
- including new staff, student teachers, volunteers and governors, will need to prove their identity. DBS and Prohibition checks may also be required, as appropriate to the role. This is a condition of employment or support.
- Will know the requirement, to comply with our Safeguarding and Child Protection arrangements, Local Authority and school “Codes of conduct”, Confidentiality measures (including GDPR), Equalities legislation and ‘Whistle-blowing’ procedures.
- Will be given a copy of the latest Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) guidance – which they need to read and sign as ‘understood’.
- Will receive an introduction to staff and children.
- Will be told about our ‘lanyard’ system and be offered a tour of the premises
- Will have the fire warning system explained, know what to do if a fire is discovered, the location of fire fighting equipment, means of escape explained, including how locks on doors, and over-rides, are actuated and assembly point after evacuation shown
- Will be reminded of the importance of keeping fire exits and heaters free from obstruction
- Will be reminded of General Health and Safety precautions and our Risk Assessments
- Will have safe systems of work explained, including lone working, lifting, handling, ladder access and the use of portable electrical appliances
- • Will be told about First Aid facilities and the procedures for reporting accidents. First Aiders will be identified.
- Appropriate to their role, an adult may receive
• A copy of the school’s Acceptable Use Policy – which they need to read and sign as ‘understood’.
• A copy of ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ – which they need to read and sign as ‘understood’.
All staff
• need to be familiar with these documents and updates
- Working Together
- The Prevent-duty
- When to call the police – guidance for schools and colleges
• Will know about the importance of Children Missing From Education
• Will gain online access to the school’s policy documents including the policies on; Behaviour, Child Protection, Whistle-Blowing and Confidentiality, Equalities Schemes, Positive Handling (Physical Intervention), KCSiE (parts 1 & 2), and SEND
• Will understand the requirement to evidence up-to-date training in Child Protection, Prevent and FGM, as a condition of employment.
“The School will fully engage in multi-agency working, in line with statutory guidance as outlined in the latest versions of “Keeping Children Safe in Education” (KCSIE), “Working Together to Safeguard Children” (Working Together) and local arrangements for child safeguarding in Gloucestershire.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.”