After School Clubs
Autumn Term 2024
Clubs will begin in week commencing 16 September 2024. The majority of clubs will run for 10 weeks (5 weeks before half term, and 5 after). You will be notified as soon as possible if your child has a place at a club or clubs.
Here is a list of the clubs available:
Monday - Judo Year 1 -Year 6 from 3.20pm-4.15pm. (Please note this club is run by an outside teacher so there is a charge. A subsidy for pupils eligible for Pupil Premium may be available.)
Monday - Football Year 5 & Year 6 from 3.20pm-4.15pm
Monday - Netball Year 3 & Year 4 from 3.20pm-4.15pm
Monday - Storytelling Year 1 & Year 2 from 3.20pm-4.15pm
Tuesday - Library Club Year 5 & Year 6 from 12-12:30pm (lunchtime club)
Tuesday - Computer Club Years 4, 5 & 6 from 3.20pm-4.15pm
Tuesday - KS2 Christmas Crafts Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 from 3.20pm-4.15pm (after half term only)
Wednesday - Gymnastics Year 1 -Year 6 from 3.20pm-4.15pm. (Please note this club is run by an outside teacher so there is a charge. A subsidy for pupils eligible for Pupil Premium may be available.)
Thursday - Choir Club Year 3 - Year 6 from 3.20pm-4.15pm
Thursday - KS1 Christmas Crafts Year 1 & Year2 from 3.20pm-4.15pm (after half term only)
Friday - Forest School Year 3 - Year 6 3.20pm-4.30pm.
There will be NO clubs week commencing 21st October due to Parents Evening week.
This link will take you to the Microsoft form to request places at the After School Clubs:
- Please speak to your child and see which clubs they would like to do.
- Complete the online form using this link:
- A member of the Admin Team will contact you to let you know in which club(s) your child has a place.
Club Notes
- Club places are awarded based on a number of criteria and are not guaranteed simply because you have requested them.
- As places are limited, we will hold a waiting list for each group. If your child does not attend the club regularly, their place may be given to a pupil on the waiting list.
- If your child is awarded a place, please ensure they have any necessary items with them on their club day(s) e.g. sports kit or wellies.
- All clubs commence at 3.20pm and finish at 4.15pm (except for Forest School which will finish at 4.30pm). Please collect your child from the school field unless notified otherwise.