After School Clubs
Summer Term 2024
Clubs will begin in week commencing 15 April 2024. The majority of clubs will run for 10 weeks (5 weeks before half term, and 5 after). You will be notified as soon as possible before the start of the Summer term , if your child has a place at a club or clubs.
Here is a list of the clubs available:
Monday - Judo Year 1 -Year 6 from 3.20pm-4.15pm. (Please note this club is run by an outside teacher so there is a charge. A subsidy for pupils eligible for Pupil Premium may be available.)
Tuesday - Creative Craft & Play Year 3 & Year 4 from 3.20pm-4.15pm;
Rounders Year 3 - Year 6 3.20pm-4.20pm. Multi-skills Year 1 & Year 2 3.20-4.15pm.
Thursday - Dance Club Year 3 - Year 6 from 3.20pm-4.15pm. (This club is preparing for a performance at a Dance Festival. Children will need to commit to attending every week.)
Friday - Chess Club (LUNCHTIME 12.00-12.30pm) Year 3-Year 6;
Forest School Year 3 - Year 6 3.20pm-4.30pm.
This link will take you to the Microsoft form to request places at the After School Clubs:
- Please speak to your child and see which clubs they would like to do.
- Complete the online form using this link:
- A member of the Admin Team will contact you to let you know in which club(s) your child has a place.
Club Notes
- Club places are awarded based on a number of criteria and are not guaranteed simply because you have requested them.
- As places are limited, we will hold a waiting list for each group. If your child does not attend the club regularly, their place may be given to a pupil on the waiting list.
- If your child is awarded a place, please ensure they have any necessary items with them on their club day(s) e.g. sports kit or wellies.
- All clubs commence at 3.20pm and finish at 4.15pm (except for Forest School which will finish at 4.30pm). Please collect your child from the school field unless notified otherwise.