Year One Class Page
Teacher: Mrs Phillips
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Samson
PPA Teacher: Mrs Cairns (Friday)
Welcome to Year One
Mrs Phillips has worked at the Rosary school for over 15 years in many different year groups. She enjoys all things science and maths whilst also having a creative side, enjoying various musical and craft activities when relaxing. Mrs Phillips leads science throughout the school and Early Reading and Phonics within Key Stage 1.
Your child will have left the EYFS curriculum behind in reception, although some goals may need consolidation as they move through Year 1. This will be their first year of the National Curriculum.
Our School Day
To find out details of how the Y1 pupils spend their time, please take a look at the timeline of our school day. Important times to note are arrival time (8.40am) and registration (8.50am). It is important the children are at school and settled in time for the day to begin.
Curriculum Support
The English national curriculum means children in different schools (at primary and secondary level) study the same subjects to similar standards - it's split into key stages with tests. If you would like to know more about each individual subject please visit our Curriculum Page. Each term our class topic will link in to the curriculum in a way that brings the subjects to life for the children.
Spring 1 Topic
This term our topic is Wonderful Weather. We will be exploring different types of weather locally and across the UK. Please look at the topic web below for more information.
Autumn Topic
This term our topic is Once Upon a Time. We will be exploring traditional tales throughout the curriculum. Please look at the topic web below for more information.
Our PE day is on Wednesday. The children will need to wear the Rosary PE kit to school on this day. We also take part in 'Fitness Fridays' with the rest of the school so the children will also need to wear PE kit every Friday. Please click here to find out PE kit requirements.
Forest School
We are very lucky to be able to offer regular Forest School sessions to all our classes at the Rosary School. Our grounds are perfect to help the children connect and engage with the outdoors, and learn through active and exciting tasks and challenges such as den building, making a fire or tools, and identifying insects and birds. Y1 Forest School sessions are every three weeks on Friday. Children will need to wear Forest School kit to school on these days, details of which can be found along with the session timetable, as links from the Forest School page.
Reading & Book Change
The children are encouraged to read their Read, Write Inc books several times each week to increase their word recognition and fluency of reading. More confident readers will also bring home a book of their choice which may contain unfamiliar or challenging words. Please write in your child's reading record each time they read with you. Our book change day is on Wednesday.
We have a "Book Club" session in the library each week on a Wednesday. The children get the opportunity to share their library books with their peers. They also change their library books in this session.
English & SPaG
This term the children will be using a variety of stories to secure their understanding and use of capital letters, punctuation and finger spaces.
Phonics: Read, Write Inc
Read Write Inc. is used by more than a quarter of the UK's primary schools and is designed to create fluent readers, confident speakers and willing writers. It is the system we use to teach our KS1 children to read, spell and write and you can find out more about it here.
Below you will find various Read Write Inc documents that explore words and sounds. If you have any questions about them please speak to Mrs Phillips.
This term the children will be focussing on numbers to 20 and beyond. Take a look at the Maths summary documents below to help understand what your child is learning.
Additional Curriculum Resources
For further resources to support your child across all subjects, please visit our Curriculum page which features links to many useful sites and apps.
Our Class Saint
Our class saint this year is Saint John Paul II. St John Paul II was the first non-Italian pope in 455 years and the first from a Slavic country; he was pope for more than 26 years, the third longest in history. He promoted greater understanding between religions and campaigned against political oppression. John Paul II had an incredible work ethic and was described as a 'volcano of energy'! He wrote and read many books and poems whilst he was pope. John Paul II was very grateful for the team around him. He had a map of all the Diocese in the world and remembered the name of over 2,000 Bishops.
Spring Term Topic
This term our topic is Toys. We will be looking at how toys have changed over time and linking this theme into other curriculum areas. Please look at the topic web below for more information.
Spring 2 Topic
This term our topic is TOYS. We will be looking at how toys have changed over time, exploring the changes and similarities with modern toys of today compared to those their parents and grandparents would have played with.
Summer Term Topic
This term our topic is Extreme Explorers. We will be learning about the continents and where the hot and cold places are in the world. We will look at a variety of explorers from the past leading to today, comparing their journeys. Our topic web is below.