Meet the Local Governing Committee
Governors usually serve for a four-year term of office. They can resign during that period and they can apply to be re-appointed for a second term at the end of it. All governors undergo safeguarding checks before their appointment is confirmed, and if they serve a second term, there is a second round of safeguarding checks.
Paul Kehoe is a Trust Director of the Little Way Catholic Educational Trust and has been Chair of the Rosary Local Governing Committee since January 2024. He has a great deal of experience in education. Has no pecuniary interest in the school. He is not employed by the school in any capacity. He also serves as a governor at Holy Cross, Swindon.
Mary McGinty was appointed by the Bishop as a member of the Rosary Local Governing Committee in Jan 2024. Ms McGinty has no pecuniary interest in the school; she is not employed by the school in any capacity and she does not serve as a governor elsewhere.
Kathryn Southworth is a Foundation Governor, appointed on 16 February 2023. She sits on the Resources Committee and has been elected Vice-Chair of Governors. She is the SEND Link Governor. Mrs Southworth is not employed by the school, and does not serve as a Governor at another school. She has no pecuniary interest. Her husband is a director of the Little Way Catholic Educational Trust.
Helen Knight is a Foundation Governor, appointed on 3 July 2023. She is a retired secondary Headteacher and has a wealth of experience and expertise to offer. Mrs Knight has a wealth of experience as a former secondary school Headteacher and is a member of the Resources Committee. She is currently serving as a Governor at another school outside of Gloucestershire.
Chris McDonald is a Foundation Governor, appointed on 12 May 2023. He is Head of Religious Education at St Peter's Catholic High School and is therefore a valued member of the Standards & Ethos Committee. He is not employed by the school and has no pecuniary interest.
Rosy Savory is a Co-Headteacher of the Rosary School, working alongside her fellow Co-Headteacher, Jenefer Knighton. Both serve as Governors and attend all meetings, but share one vote. Paul Batchelor, as the maternity cover for Mrs Knighton, continues this role as Co-Head Teacher and Governor on a temporary basis. All staff at the school undergo rigorous safeguarding checks before appointment and while in post. Mrs Savory and Mrs Knighton are employed by the school. Their work is appraised annually by a small group of governors. As Co-Headteachers, they are responsible for the running of the school. Mrs Savory is also the school's Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) and Designated Teacher for Looked After Children. Mrs Knighton is the Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Victor Ugbede was self-nominated and was elected as a Parent Governor on 10 March 2023. He has 2 children who are pupils here. Mr Ugbede is not employed by the school and has no pecuniary interest. He does not serve as a Governor elsewhere. Mr Ugbede originally has a background in education in Nigeria and is a member of the Standards and Ethos committee.
Thomas Ellington was self-nominated and was elected as Parent Governor on 26 January 2024. He is parent to two children at the school. He is not employed by the school. Mr Ellington has knowledge and expertise in accounting and finance and serves on the Resources Committee.
James Courtney-Holt was a foundation Governor until 31st December 2023. He now serves as a Committee Member for the Resources Committee. He has a child in the school and is not employed by the school.
Maeve Maxwell served for many years as a Governor at the Rosary School, Mrs Maxwell has been invited to serve as a Committee Member by the Governing Board and with Diocesan approval. She is a valued member of the Standards & Ethos Committee, who attends meetings without voting rights, to lend her expertise and wisdom to discussions. She is not an employee of the school and has no pecuniary interests.
Mrs A Robinson is our Clerk to the Governing Committee.