School prayer
Thank you for our school which helps us all to share our talents.
Let this be a place of love and learning.
Guide us to do our best, following in the footsteps of Jesus.
Let us work together to build our community, remembering that you are always by our side.
The whole school spends around ten to fifteen minutes a day in prayer or worship. This is done through collective worship, assemblies, guided meditations or services led by other classes or teachers. During the year, from time to time, the whole school gathers together as a school family to attend Mass.
There is a weekly cycle of liturgical prayer:
Monday: Every Monday children and staff gather together for our Gospel assembly led by the Headteacher. Children are invited to assist in sharing the message of the Gospel and to share their knowledge, ideas, opinions, and also their prayer intentions.
Tuesday: The children meet in their key stages for collective worship. During this time, the children focus on a specific gospel virtue often through focusing on a bible story.
Wednesday: On a Wednesday afternoon the whole school joins together for Prayer and Praise. They sing hymns and songs together praising God and also learn new hymns fitting for the liturgical time of year.
Thursday: Each class holds collective worship where they focus on the Gospel Virtues of the term.
Friday: On Fridays we come together to share and celebrate our achievements over the week in our Achievement Assembly.