Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) and Designated Teacher is Mrs Joanne Welch.
Her email address is: SENDCO@rosary.gloucs.sch.uk
The school's SEND Manager is Mrs Helen Liber.
Her email address is: hliber@rosary.gloucs.sch.uk
To speak to either Mrs Welch or Mrs Liber, please telephone the school office on (01453) 762774.
Our SEND Link Governor is Kathryn Southworth.
Her email address is: govksouthworth@rosary.gloucs.sch.uk
All children with SEND are valued, respected and equal members of the school. At the Rosary School we celebrate diversity of culture, religious belief and intellectual style. We actively focus on leaving no child behind, eliminating discrimination and promoting equal opportunities. We also encourage and foster relationships between pupils with SEND and pupils without SEND. We seek to raise achievement, remove barriers to learning and increase physical and curricular access for all.
At the Rosary School the SEN Manager works closely with the school’s Pastoral Support worker to support the Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs of all pupils. If parents or school staff have concerns in relation to their child’s / a pupil’s emotional well-being they are able to contact the school’s Pastoral Support Worker to discuss these concerns. The Pastoral Support worker can arrange 1:1 sessions with pupils and parents as well as intervention groups to support specific areas of SEMH. For more information please visit our Pastoral Support page.
The school also has access to support through the Early Help Partnership in Gloucestershire. Early help is about providing support to potentially vulnerable children, young people and their families as soon as difficulties begin to emerge or when there is a strong likelihood that support will be needed in the future. The school can make a referral to the Early Help Partnership and also has the support of an allocated Early Help Coordinator.
For more information about our provision for children with SEND, please read our SEND Information Report and Accessibility Plan.
SEND Information Report
The Local Offer
Local Authorities must publish a 'local offer' - the things that their schools/services will offer to SEN pupils and their parents.
More information from the local authority related to SEND can be found here:
Gloucestershire's Local Offer for Parent & Carers