School Lunches
Cooked Lunches
We are very lucky to have a modern well equipped kitchen on site, which is outsourced to catering company Caterlink. Lunch is cooked from scratch on-site by our Head Cook Claire who has been with us for many years, supported by her assistants. Where possible locally sourced, organic ingredients are used and our meals are high quality, tasty and healthy.
We have a 3-week rotational menu, which changes three times a year. School lunches are free to pupils in Reception to Year 2 (under the Universal Free School Meals Scheme) or in years Reception to Year 6 if you are in receipt of certain benefits. Please see Free School Meals info below or click here to check your eligibility now. If you have any queries regarding the process of applying, please contact the Gloucestershire County Council free school meals team:
Tel: 01452 425390
For pupils in year 3-6 not eligible for Free School Meals, a school lunch is charged at £2.71. The online payment system ParentPay ( is used to take payment. To find our more about how we use ParentPay, visit our all about ParentPay webpage.
School Menus - 2024/2025
Packed Lunches
Alternatively, children can bring their own packed lunches.
- Please ensure that packed lunches do not contain nuts or nut products, as some children in school have severe allergies. We are a nut-free school!
- Sweets, including chocolate bars and fizzy drinks are not allowed
School Health UK - The Packed Lunch Guide
School health UK have designed a guide to ensure parents have a simple guide to creating healthy, nutritious and tasty packed lunches. Some of their ideas include:
Couscous, pasta, quinoa or rice - The perfect mix of carbohydrates to keep then fueled throughout the day, with the addition of proteins such as meat, fish, lentils or chickpeas and then some vegetables your kids enjoy. Sweetcorn, peas and peppers go well with these dishes.
Sushi sandwiches - A different take on the typical sandwich, but a little different and perhaps more exciting. Flatten the bread with a rolling pin, add your filling such as tuna or egg mayo, humous, or cream cheese ( you can even add strips of veggies), roll tightly and slice into bite size chunks.
Make fruit more appealing - You can serve with cheese - think cheese and pineapple or cheese and grapes (also means they are getting a portion of dairy too!), cut the fruit into chunks to make a fruit salad, or serve on a skewer for fruit kebabs.
Egg muffins - These can be batch cooked over the weekend and added to the lunchbox each day. Here’s a recipe where you can add different ingredients too!
Healthy snacks - Forget chocolate bars and bags of crisps, and think baby bells, no added sugar jelly pots or rice pudding and maltloaf.
Include a dip - Whether this is houmous or tzatziki, serve with pitta bread or veggie sticks.