Attendance & Absence
Rosary School Day
Our school day starts at 8:40 am and all pupils should be ready to start lessons at 8:50 am. The day ends at 3:20 pm. Attendance between these times is compulsory for all pupils. Our school week is therefore 32.5 hours in length.
Reporting your child's absence
To report an absence please use the Studybugs App. You can find out more about Studybugs and download the App here.
The Department for Education (DfE) has requested that reasons for all absences must be recorded and the findings included in statistics. It is essential therefore that the school is aware of the reason for every absence. If it is necessary due to emergencies to make dental or medical appointments during school hours, parents are then asked to inform the school in advance so that the child may receive an attendance mark and be ready to leave school at the appropriate time or if arriving late in the morning arrangements can be made for lunch time.
If children have been sick or had diarrhoea, we would ask that parents allow them a 48 hour period after the last episode for recovery, so that they do not return to school too early and end up passing the bugs on to others.
If you need to contact the school office, please call 01453 762774.
Our school day starts at 8:40 am and by 8:50 am all pupils should be in their classroom ready to take the register, order their school dinners and start the school day. Late arrivals both disrupt the pupil who is late, but also other pupils and the class teacher. Please ensure you arrive at school on time every day. Pupils arriving after 8:50 am must report to the school office - where they will be marked down as late in the register, their lunch order will be taken (if they are having a cooked lunch) - and then continue to their classroom. Children arriving after 9:20 am will be marked as an unauthorised absence, registers are closed after 30 minutes.
Take a look at our Attendance Pathway
Fixed Term Penalty Notice
To download the Studybugs App, please click here.
Is my child too ill for school?
Below is a list of websites aimed at supporting you and your child with their mental health
For more support, please contact our School Attendance Champion:
Important attendance information
At the Rosary School, we place a strong emphasis on high levels of attendance from all our pupils. There is extensive evidence about the negative impact absence has on children's academic achievements.
Please ensure:
All holidays are taken outside term time.
All routine medical appointments (e.g. routine visits to the GP or dentist) are made outside school hours.
Children arrive on time for the school day.
In common with other local authority primary schools, children at the Rosary School can only take time off in the school year in exceptional circumstances. Permission must be obtained from the Headteacher in advance (no less than seven days' notice) for any absences. The Request for Absence form on which to seek the Headteacher's permission for a term time absence can be found on our Useful Forms and Information page.
Parents/carers should be aware that if they do not seek approval in advance, they may be subject to a fine from the Local Authority in accordance with its guidance (no matter how good a child's attendance has otherwise been). While we hope that will never be necessary, it is a real possibility if parents do not comply with the school's attendance policy. The school's Governing Body fully supports the Headteachers in ensuring that the attendance policy is complied with, both because of the disruption that absences cause but also because of the clear statistical link between school attendance and educational achievement.
Unless there are exceptional circumstances, the school will routinely contact any parent whose child has less than 95% attendance and/or who is late for more than three sessions in a half term.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.