Remote Education
Our remote learning provision is still in place. During whole class lockdowns we have and would again switch to delivering a hybrid model of teaching by:
- Providing class teacher live learning via MS Teams
- Recorded lessons via The Oak National Academy
- Printed worksheets
After some weeks of lockdown we carried out a parent and pupil consultation and responded to feedback to improve our remote teaching model.
Our core aim is that when remote learning is mandated:
- Key subjects are prioritised at home
- Pupils are given the opportunity to meet up with teachers and peers daily online
- Teaching is flexible to enable families to manage learning to suit their preferred timetable and time and resource availability
- Pupils efforts are recognised
- Pupils and their families feel supported and their efforts appreciated
Please see our Further Learning Resources page for links to our remote learning platforms.
The document below is available to schools to ensure that they can effectively review their remote learning provision. If the need were to arise again to switch to remote learning, our school would ensure we align our approach with recommended practice, to the best of our ability.