Year Five Class Page
Teachers: Mr Batchelor and Mrs Spring
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Reader and Mrs Humphery
Welcome to Year Five
Our School Day
To find out details of how the Y5 pupils spend their time, please take a look at the timeline of our school day. Important times to note are arrival time (8.40am) and registration (8.50am). It is important the children are at school and settled in time for the day to begin.
Curriculum Support
The English national curriculum means children in different schools (at primary and secondary level) study the same subjects to similar standards - it's split into key stages with tests. If you would like to know more about each individual subject please visit our Curriculum Page. Each term our class topic will link in to the curriculum in a way that brings the subjects to life for the children.
Spring Term Topic
Our Spring term topic is 'Oh Maya Days!' Take a look at our Curriculum Map to see what the children will be learning in each subject.
Our PE day is on Tuesday when the children will go swimming. We also take part in 'Fitness Fridays' with the rest of the school so the children will also need to wear PE kit every Friday. Please click here to find out PE kit requirements.
Forest School
We are very lucky to be able to offer regular sessions to all our classes at the Rosary School. Our grounds are perfect to help the children connect and engage with the outdoors, and learn through active and exciting tasks and challenges such as den building, making a fire or tools, and identifying insects and birds. Y5 Forest School sessions are every three weeks on Friday. Children will need to wear Forest School kit to school on these days, details of which can be found along with the session timetable attached.
Reading & Book Change
The children should read at least 4 times a week. Please read with them and record your comments in their reading record. This is checked every Monday morning. Children can change their books at any time during the week once they are familiar with the text.
English & SPaG
This term the children will be exploring different texts to inspire their writing. They will write persuasive arguments, non-chronological reports, fantasy narratives and adventure narratives.
This half term, our class reading book will be 'Oh Maya Gods' by Maz Evans.
Rainbow & Read Write Inc Spellings
Our Rainbow Spellings in each year group focus on 'tricky words' that are commonly misspelled or do not follow regular rules. These words are re-visited tow years in a row and are tested regularly. In Y5 we continue to practise Read Write Inc Spellings which focus on the rules of spelling. Children have two weeks to look at each rule before they are tested in class, using some of the examples listed on the document below.
Take a look at the Maths knowledge organisers below to help you understand what your child is learning each term. In the Autumn term, the children will be looking at Number and Place Value, Decimals, Properties of Shape, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.
Knowledge Organiser
Our Class Saint
Saint Christopher is one of the most popular Catholic Christian heroes of the Faith. There are many stories and traditions about St Christopher, including how tall he was - some say he was a giant! He is known as the Saint to whom travellers can petition for protection and the St Christopher pendant is worn by many for this purpose. One legend states that St. Christopher worked at a river helping travellers across. The fording was dangerous and many with less strength people had drowned. One day, a child approached St. Christopher by the river and asked to be helped across. St. Christopher obliged. However, as he entered midstream, the river rose and the child's weight grew and became extremely heavy. It was only by great exertion that St. Christopher safely delivered the child to the other side. When St. Christopher asked the child why he was so heavy, the child explained that He was the Christ and when St. Christopher carried Him, he also carried the weight of the whole world on his shoulders. The child then vanished. The name "Christopher" means Christ-bearer.
Additional Curriculum Resources
For further resources to support your child across all subjects, please visit our Curriculum page which features links to many useful sites.