EYFS (Reception)
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework recognises that children need to be able to use concrete experiences to provide the building blocks for their learning. Based on this, the learning ethos behind the EYFS framework encourages learning through a mix of play-based and adult-led learning.
Topic Overview
These are our topic themes for the year!
Reading Spine
We have chosen these amazing books to support our learning throughout the year. The children will be read to daily (sometimes multiple times) these books and other books that support our theme that term.
Monthly Events and Themes 2023 - 2024
These are the special dates for the year. We learn about different cultures and communities as well as celebrating the days on the Catholic calendar.
These are the overviews for the whole year in Reception class. Learning begins with a quality text and the learning is built around them. We also like to follow the children's interests so we ensure our planning is flexible to meet the needs of the children. We use the term "sticky knowledge" to ensure that the children know the facts and we make our lessons vocabulary rich and teach the children the meaning of the words.
Early Learning Goals
At the end of Reception your child should achieve their Early Learning Goals in the seven areas of learning.
This grid shows you what your child should be able to achieve at the end of the year.
The Early Years Foundation Stage
The EYFS has 7 areas
1. Communication and Language -Prime
2. Personal, social and emotional development- Prime
3. Physical development - Prime
4. Literacy
5. Mathematics
6. Understanding the world
7. Expressive art and design
Below these documents show what each of these area's look like in our school
See also our Class Page!