Year Three Class Page
Year 3 Curriculum Overview
Teacher: Mrs Kirby and Miss Maggs
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Dahdouh and Mrs Wilson
Welcome to Year Three
Mrs Kirby has been teaching for 20 years and this is her second year at the Rosary School and will be in class teaching Monday and Tuesday. She leads PSHE and the school Chaplaincy Team.
Miss Maggs has been teaching at the Rosary School for 8 years and will be in class teaching all day Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. She leads History and Geography.
Our School Day
To find out details of how the Y3 pupils spend their time, please take a look at the timeline of our school day. Important times to note are arrival time (8.40am) and registration (8.50am). It is important the children are at school and settled in time for the day to begin.
Curriculum Support
The English national curriculum means children in different schools (at primary and secondary level) study the same subjects to similar standards - it's split into key stages with tests. If you would like to know more about each individual subject please visit our Curriculum Page. Each term our class topic will link in to the curriculum in a way that brings the subjects to life for the children.
Spring Term Topic
Our Spring topic is called 'Rampaging Romans'. The children will be investigating why the Romans invaded Britain and the reaction of the Celts and learning how the Romans changed life in Britain.
Spring Term Curriculum Newsletter

Our PE days are on Monday and Friday. Please click here to find out PE kit requirements.
Forest School
We are very lucky to be able to offer regular Forest School sessions to all our classes at the Rosary School. Our grounds are perfect to help the children connect and engage with the outdoors, and learn through active and exciting tasks and challenges such as den building, making a fire or tools, and identifying insects and birds. Y3 Forest School sessions are every three weeks on Fridays. Children will need to wear Forest School kit to school on these days, details of which can be found along with the session timetable, as links from the Forest School page.
Reading & Book Change
The children are encouraged to read the books they choose at school regularly. It would be most helpful if you can take time to read with them every week (4 times a week minimum) and record your comments in their reading record. When they are familiar with the book they should change it for a new one. Our book change day is on Monday.
English & SPaG
This term the children will be exploring several texts and media including 'Escape from Pompeii' by Christina Balit, 'The Tear Thief'' by Carol Ann Duffy and 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes.
Rainbow and Read, Write Inc Spellings
Our Rainbow Spellings in each year group focus on 'tricky words' that are commonly misspelled or do not follow regular rules. These words are re-visited two years in a row and are tested every Wednesday. In Y3 we will be continuing Read Write Inc Spellings which focus on the rules of spellings every Monday.
This term the children will be developing their number skills, including:
- Fractions
- Addition Written Methods
- Subtraction Written Methods
- Multiplication
- Division
- Measurement- Money
Take a look at the Maths summary document below to help you understand what your child is learning.
Rainbow Maths
There is a National Curriculum requirement for children to know their times tables up to 12 x12 by the end of Year 4, at which point they take an online test. To support this objective, children from Y2 onwards take part in regular Rainbow Maths tests. Each new academic year they start on 'Red' and work their way up through Orange, Yellow and so on. The document below shows what is required for each colour.
Our Class Saint
Our class Saint is Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas (or Saint Nick as he is colloquially known) had a reputation for secret gift-giving, such as putting coins in the shoes of those who left them out for him, and this became the model for 'Santa Claus' or Father Christmas. In one version of his story, Saint Nicholas is said to have helped a poor family by dropping gifts down the chimney which fell in to the drying stockings left out by the daughters - hence the tradition of hanging stockings up on Christmas Eve. Saint Nicholas is still celebrated as a great gift-giver in several Western European countries.
Additional Curriculum Resources
For further resources to support your child across all subjects, please visit our Curriculum page which features links to many useful sites.